Code of conduct policy scansteel foodtech A/S
Whistleblower policy – scansteel foodtech A/S
scansteel foodtech A/S’s Whistleblower scheme has the following aims:
– to increase the opportunity for employees and close partners to inform of criticizable actions or behaivour in scansteel foodtech A/S wihtout the fear of negative consequences;
– to protect employees who report information to the Whistleblower scheme in good faith, and;
– to find and prevent errors and negligence.
The Whistleblower scheme is a supplement to the direct and daily communication within the company. All situations are requested to be solved in cooperation with the appointed manager if possible.
Who can use the Whistleblower scheme?
The Whistleblower scheme can be used by all employees and close partners in good faith to report justified suspicions and concerns about scansteel foodtech A/S’s employees and partners.
Reports must be fied in good faith and concern serious conditions, such as:
– criminal offences, e.g. breach of the duty of conidentiality, misuse of financial resources, theft, fraud, underslæb, embezzlement, briberye, etc.;
– major or repeated violations of the law;
– major or repeated violations of essential internal guidelines, eg. on company travel, gifts and financial reporting etc.;
– serious personal conflicts, eg. harassement, including of a sexual character, and;
– deliberate misleading of management, employees and partners.
The scheme does not include any other conditions eg.:
– any other business conditions;
– human resource businesses, eg. salary or employment terms;
– information about minor violations of internal quidelines, eg. sick leave, smoking, alcohol, dress, use of office supply, etc., and;
– information about minor personal conflicts in the office enviroment, eg. cooperation difficulties, small inconsistencies and lack of confidence between the employee and manager.
An employee who reports via the Whistleblower scheme acts in good faith, and is protected against any form of negative employment law consequences, eg. retaliation or harassment.
scansteel foodtech A/S is responsible for:
– maintaining this policy;
– conducting investigations based on the received report;
– conducting necessary measures (including employment law consequences);
– reporting to relevant authorities by offence;
– using external support, if needed to secure anymonity to the notifier;
– complying with the General Data Protection Regulations.
Confidentiality and anonymity
Al information will be kept confidential as far as possible. The notifier has the option to remain anonymous and all dialogues will be conducted via a secure mailbox created for the purpose.
Notifier’s rights
The notifier will keept informed about the process and any measures taken in the secure anonymous mailbox created for the purpose. The notifier is protected agains any negative employment law consequences in relation to the given report, if given in good faith. If the report is given in bad faith, this can lead to a police report, negative employment consequenses or a break of contract with partners.
Rights for persons mentioned directly or indirectly in the report
Persons mentioned (including indirectly) in the report will in normal circumstances be notified. Persons mentioned will also received notification when the case is closed or dismissed due to being out of scope. Persons mentioned will be involved, if the case is processed. Persons mentioned or involved have the right to request correction, deletion or limiting information.
Employees that process or contribute to the investigations
Employees who process or contribute to the investigation by conducting or giving information are protected by negative employment law, as a consequense of the contribution.
You find scansteel foodtech A/S’s report page on the button below or following link: