ContiPump 250/500 L - 10,000 L

scansteel foodtech pump ContiPump

Slide ContiPump 4000/250
Twin Screw shown fully
assembled ready for
production. Shown with
all safety rails in position.
Slide ContiPump 4000/250
Twin Screw. The operator
panel is shown together
with a level control.
Slide ContiPump pump
housing, hinged.
Slide Close-up of pump housing
and side panel for second
screw. Both designed for
easy assembly/
Slide Inside view of ContiPump
4000/250 Twin Screw.
Can also be supplied with
top stirring device.
Slide Accessory/cleaning
trolley for ContiPump.
Slide Accessory/cleaning
trolley for ContiPump.
Slide Accessory/cleaning
trolley for ContiPump.
Slide Accessory/cleaning
trolley for ContiPump.
Slide Accessory/cleaning
trolley for ContiPump.
ContiPump 250/500 L - 10.000 L
The scansteel foodtech® ContiPump series is for less Heavy Duty applications such as, but
not limited to, pet food premixes being fed into an emulsifier as well as for various buffer/
storage/silo applications. The buffer hopper comes in two versions: a single feeding screw
or a twin screw hopper, where one screw feeds/drives the ContiPump and the other prevents/
limits bridge building.
ContiPump 4000/250 Twin Screw
scansteel foodtech pump ContiPump

The scansteel foodtech® ContiPump series has been designed in such a way that the unit can function as a stand alone pump or, as shown above, can be designed to fully be integrated as part of an integrated solution with the scansteel foodtech® ContiPump and the scansteel foodtech® mixer series. In order to secure full hygiene solutions as well as having full access to both the mixer(s) and ContiPump for inspection/maintenance. The scansteel foodtech® ContiPumps can be placed on a “rail system” which makes it fully possible for a person to separate the ContiPump and mixer. At the same time, during production, the ContiPump is secure in “running position” in such a way that the ContiPump cannot be moved.

scansteel foodtech® ContiPump series comes in many different infeed hopper designs. Below shows a ContiPump 250 being fed by a scansteel foodtech Mixer/Grinder for pet food snack manufacturing.

ContiPump Solution for Pet Food
Delicate pumping of finished pet food product, such as but not limited to paté with chunks.

Top view of the rotation wing.

Snake Pump without cabinet.

Fully assembled Snake Pump.

Video of rotating wing in Contipump.